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27 Must

Mar 18, 2024

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed collects a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

In this post: How to make the terrible twos a little less terrible.

BuzzFeed Contributor

Promising review: "A MUST-HAVE FOR TODDLERS. My son is a little over 1-year-old and I wish I got these sooner! He gets moments of extreme excitement where he squeezes the crap out of his pouches and it gets EVERYWHERE. Since having these I have had zero messes! I ended up buying four more because I wanted to keep one in every possible place I'd need one. It seems pretty darn secure if you do it following the directions. It fits Plum Organics, Earth's Best, and Happy Baby pouches for sure." —Amazon Customer

Price: $8.99+ for a set of two (available in five color combinations)

Promising review: "My 2-year-old loves it, he gets excited every time he pushes the button and sees it spin. He spins it grabs a piece of strawberry spins it again grabs a blueberry keeps him entertained. It’s easy to clean and compact for easy on the go snacks. Great product!" —Noe G.

Price: $29.95+ (available in four colors)

Promising review: “Easy to install, works with various faucets! I wanted to give my toddler some independence in terms of washing his hands (now that we are potty trained, woohoo), but he was too short even with a stool. So I got this faucet extender, and ta-da! He can now reach and wash his own hands. The flexible opening allows you to add this to faucets of all shapes, sizes, and angles. You can adjust the spout too to pour water in different ways. Have this in our bathroom and kitchen now, and can easily take it off. Such a major convenience.” —MissSiu

Price: $11.49 for a set of two

Promising review: “Phenomenal — goodbye, toddler tantrums! I bought this brush for my 2-year-old, because the poor baby hates having her hair brushed — it tangles really easily. GOOOOODBYE TANTRUMS, this thing was gliding through the tangles like it was a knife through butter that was left out overnight. I was about to give up on fighting her about it until I found this.

Now, don’t get me wrong, you still hit tangles… but it doesn’t seem like it hurts her at all. She even did something I never thought would happen… she ASKED ME if I would brush her hair. It went from me chasing her like I had a medieval torture device, to her asking for her hair to be brushed. So, yeah… Highly recommended.

Now that we got the toddler part over with… MOMMA’S turn:

I do my own tape-in hair extensions, because, ya know… my toddler is expensive. I have been trying to find a comb that brushes through them without friction, because friction loosens the tape, and I was like why the heck not, I’ll try it. Lo and behold… glides through those bad boys too.

Just get it. Do it. You’re welcome.” —BunchOfLetters

Price: $11.99+ (available in eight colors and also in packs of two)

Promising review: "My 1-year-old was always getting close to the faucet to play with the water and would end up crying all the time because he would end up bumping his head. But this saved him from that. Now he gets to enjoy the water without bumping his head, and if he does it won't hurt him since the whale is made of rubber. It's a plus that I can hang the spray tub lower and not have to stretch in my tippie toes every night. It's adjustable, so it fits pretty much all the faucets. This is a must-have if you have little ones." —Sam

Price: $9.91+ (available in two colors)

Promising review: "I have three kids and have tried a gazillion bath storage items that cost more than this item. It actually stays up on your wall, or you can hook it up to the shower curtain. This has worked out great." —Kristin K

Price: $11.99+ (available in six styles)

Promising review: “Easy install, stay firmly attached! We got these for our coffee table in the living room. I was a little unsure that they might not stick firmly since the table has beveled edges (see photo). But they fit perfectly and have stayed stuck on even with my 10-month-old trying to pry them off. He's teething and has also tried biting them quite a bit, but so far, no dents in them! They have been very effective at covering the sharp corners and giving us peace of mind. Great purchase.” —Shawna

Price: $9.98+ (available in packs of 12, 18, and 24)

Promising review: “These Magic Erasers are one of my go-to cleaning products because they are a necessity when you have two toddlers in your home. My kids will color on things they shouldn't, like walls or furniture, and the Magic Eraser works like magic to remove those marks, leaving my house looking good as new. Plus, there is no harsh smell like most cleaners!” —Amanda

Price: $13.34 for a pack of 10

Promising review: “Perfect for fragile toddler hair! These are loose enough to use on a squirmy toddler. They are gentle and soft and do not rip out any baby hairs! And there are plenty for your toddler to play with while you put in her pigtails! My daughter did NOT like anything in her hair ‘til I started using these! Now it’s part of our morning routine and she picks out the two colors she wants that day. It’s loose enough for her to pull them out in her car seat when she notices them in the safety mirror, but there are so many that I keep a handful in my diaper bag and can easily and quickly redo her hair. They are also strong enough to stay in her hair all day if she doesn’t purposefully take them out. If I ever need more, I will be ordering these again!” —JP

Price: $6.99 (available in four color packs)

Promising review: “Very impressive! This is the stuff of miracles. My toddler ate a bowl of blueberries which covered her entire shirt. I used this for the first time as directed, set the shirt aside and forgot about it for a few hours. The next time I picked it up the stains had literally disappeared! Although it’s best used on fresh stains it works very well on old set-in stains too. I am truly amazed and will be keeping this on hand from now on!” —Elizabeth T.

Price: $7.49+ (available individually and in two- or three-packs)

Set includes three plates with lids.

Promising review: “A must-have! Literally cannot imagine life with a toddler without these. If she is determined she can pop them up, but she’s gotta really work at it.” —Shane

Price: $15.99 (available in two colors and also without lids)

Promising review: “Best thing for a toddler! This is one of the best things I’ve bought as a parent. My 2-year-old was getting so tired of sitting in his high chair when the rest of us sit at the table for dinner. He loves to feel like a big kid now!” —Chelsea Throckmorton

Price: $20.99+ (available in 10 colors and patterns)

Promising review: "These are a must-have for a small toddler and their snacks. The top is soft and flexible so I don’t have to worry about my little guy scratching his little hands when he’s digging around in the cup. Very easy to clean and they’re priced well. Buy them now!" —Wooty

Price: $6+ (available in sets of two or four and in three color combinations)

Promising review: “Actually, genuinely don’t leak! I know, every lidded toddler cup is advertised as leak-proof. I have two toddlers and they have proven that every leakproof cup can be made to leak. But this one is the real deal. I've had it for a few weeks now, and tested outdoors on walks, in the car, at the table, and during cup-throwing meltdowns, and this cup truly does not spill. Also, my littles usually chew through any straw or spout they get hold of, but this one isn't even showing a tooth mark. They cannot budge the lid. They can (and do) turn it upside down and shake it and nothing happens. If you are looking for a really, truly, leak-proof, spill-proof, lunatic toddler-proof cup, you have found it. I'm buying my second one now.” —Porphyrogenita

Price: $10.46+ (available in 10 colors and also in packs of two)

Promising review: “These cups are excellent for teaching toddlers how to drink from an open-mouth cup. They are spill-proof, easy to clean, and appealing to kids. Just be aware that the silicone may break down over time, causing potential leakage if the cups are on their side. This can be prevented by prolonging the life of the silicone by handwashing the silicone lids instead of putting them through the dishwasher. Nonetheless, I highly recommend these cups for parents looking for a transition sippy cup for their little ones!” —Gretchen

Price: $7.39+ (available individually or in packs of two and four, and four colors)

Promising review: "These things are awesome! Super easy to install. I didn't think they'd actually work, because my toddler is a beast, but we have them on our fridge and a few cupboards, and they keep her out. :) She pulls pretty hard, and they don't budge. They're pretty easy to unlatch; my 7-year-old doesn't have a problem with it. Great purchase!" —Angel Starr

Price: $9.95 for a pack of four straps

Promising review: “Potty training must-have! I am so glad I found this! I'm potty training my petite 20-month-old and this has given me so much freedom! We have stress- and drama-free bathroom visits when we're out and about. We practiced at home a few days before using it in a public restroom. To my surprise, using a public restroom was a nonissue for her! I KNOW there would have been drama and tears if she had used the toilet without the Jool seat. (Definitely, saved me when she had to use the yucky park bathroom!)

We've never had an issue with pinching. The seat is super smooth and comfortable. I will say that the suction cups don't work perfectly on all toilet seats but as long as you are right there with your kiddo, the seat slipping should not be an issue. The carrying case is a small feature but soooo convenient! Keeps my diaper bag clean and I can wear it on my wrist if I don't want to take my diaper bag into the restroom.” —Shanna Laucomer

Price: $14.97 (available in two colors)

Y’all, I learned how to tie my shoes on a book like this one. I was maybe three years old at the time. I am now well into my 30s, and I still remember how useful it was. You cannot go wrong with a teaching tool like this. Promise.

Reviewers say this pick is great for kids of a wide variety of ages, too, from toddlers up to 10- or 11-year-olds — meaning it’s great to have on hand throughout your kids’ childhood years.

Promising review: “Excellent teaching tool! We have been trying to teach our child how to tie her shoes for months. Just 10 minutes with this book and she had it down. An hour later, she was able to double knot her own tennis shoe. She loved the project at the back of the book. I have already recommended this book to several friends.” —blessed4sure

Price: $11.39

Promising review: “Great product! I put this together without any issue. The height is perfect for my son to reach the bathroom sink or to use potty training. The grips are perfect!” —Melissa Martin

Price: $31.99+ (available in five colors)

Promising review: “The perfect diaper bag does exist! I’ve been on a quest to find the perfect diaper bag. We had the itzy ritzy and lululemon one and both don’t compare to this. This one has sooo much space! I have one kid in cloth diapers and one recently potty trained so we carry A LOT at all times. This bag handles it all well without getting too bulky. 10/10 recommend!” —Customer

Price: $42.97+ (available in 12 colors)

Promising review: “Our toddler loves these! If I ask if she wants to brush her teeth, her typical toddler response is no, but if I ask if she wants to use her dinosaur, it's an immediate yes and there is no fussing! It's fun for everyone.” —Dianna Duhrkopf

Price: $4.19+ (available individually or in a pack of two, three designs, and with or without toothpaste)

Promising review: “Great product — my kids love it! I like that there are different textures to each of these. However, most of all, my kids love them. They were first passed out during a car trip as a new toy. They kept the kids busy for about an hour exploring what to do with them.

Since then, my toddler hasn't let it go. She can always be seen carrying one of them around. It's held up well against her chewing on it, and it keeps her happy.” —Nick Lorenzen

Price: $9.99

Promising review: “Your little early-riser needs this clock! Our 3.5-year-old loves to be up before the sun. As a family with a newborn and parents that enjoy sleeping in on the weekends, this has been a bit of an issue. I had read about sleep-trainer clocks before but didn't know if it would really work for us. Now I wish I had bought it earlier! Our child is advanced but the colors of this clock would be easy enough that he could have understood the functionality of it two years ago.

Just one night in and my son already loves his ‘Melly.’ We set up all the alarms and colors and after one use, it did the trick! He knew that if the clock was still 'sleeping' with the moon image, he had to stay in bed. Once he saw the yellow color, he knew he was allowed to play quietly. This prevented unnecessary yelling for us through the baby monitor and no scary wake up when he's in our face/climbing into our bed asking if it was time to get up. When the clock alarm went off, he finished his playtime and got ready for the day.

This clock was very easy to set up and change if needed, utilizes a USB plug-in, is a perfect size for your child's nightstand, easy for them to snooze and understand, and provides fun colors and sounds for their sleep environment. If you're at all on the fence about a sleep trainer clock, look no further and don't delay! This is the one!!!! We already love our ‘Melly’!” —Megan E.

Price: $49.99 (available in four colors)

Promising review: “I am so happy with this purchase — the kids still get to keep their beloved stuffies, set them in their pouches just how they want them, can see them clearly AND their beds are now clear and easier to make. (One or two stuffies stay on their beds.) The pouches are big, so they fit a lot of small ones or easily bigger ones. Also, the mesh lets the stuffies ‘breathe’ :) AND the hooks at the top are thin S-metal so it doesn’t scratch up the door frame when it’s open/closed. Way better than a stuffie hammock, if you ask me. Less cluttered. HAPPY MAMA and kids over here! Great product!

P.S. Obviously this isn’t a storage bin for heavy items/toys. It’s meant for lightweight stuffed animals. I’m assuming so long as we use it for that, durability will not be an issue.” —kevinkiehn

Price: $28.95 (available in six colors)

Promising review: “Works amazing! Slides right under the buckle, and with barely any pressure, it unlocks the grip. I'm so impressed. My hands always hurt and for some reason I can never unbuckle my kids without really forcing it. I also have long natural nails that break easy and this saves them. I'm only 30, but the grip isn't there for me. This little tool is worth every penny. It's so simple and requires no tricks or tips.” —Jessica Wilson

Price: $14.99 (available in seven colors)

Promising review: "Must-have for toddlers! Perfect solution! As my toddler's independence soars, so do frustrations. This light switch extender pack was a great buy. He can now turn on the lights in his room and bathroom. Installation was easy and works as expected." —AW

Price: $8.99+ (available in one-, two-, and three-packs)

Promising review: “I bring them everywhere! I'm a dad of a toddler and keep a pack of Wet Ones with me at all times, whether in the store, park, playground... any short durations of time that a changing bag is not necessary, I consider these a must-have.” —My D 1

Price: $19.70 for a pack of 10

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.